
品名:冰糖银耳酱Sugar Tremella Jam
The secretsof how the ancient royal nobility ’s ladies keep their beauty with.

Tremella, is Chinese traditional health food only royal nobilities can have in ancient times.
It contains with dietary fiber, Polysaccharide and vegetable jelly, which is good for digestion system,
strengthens immune systemand most importantly to make skin brighter so does the beauty.

- 外食族补充膳食纤维 For those who always eat out a good way to gain dietary fiber.
- 上班族养颜补元气 For those who work in office all day better digestion and brighter skin.
- 学生族提升免疫力 For students and kids easy way to strengthens immune system.

Selected tremella brew with rock sugar, in Chinese medical it's good to lower internal heat and stop coughing.

银耳就是比较好:Tremella is with a lot of benefits:
好在哪? Why tremella is good for us?
第一好低热量‧高饱足感First: Low calories, increase feeling of satiety
第二好丰富膳食纤维‧保健肠胃Second: Rich of dietary fiber, good for digestion system.
第三好富含多糖体‧提升免疫力Third: Rich with Polysaccharide which helps to strengthens immune system
第四好满满植物性胶质‧打造水嫩弹性肌Forth: Plenty of vegetable jelly helps to make your skin bright.

Tachungho Sugar Tremella jam, certificate by HACCP, ISO22000, quality guaranteed for you.

运用:Where to use?
饮品、点心、冰品均适用。 Match with variety of drinks, snacks and ice products.

适用:Suitable for what kind of shops?
Bubble tea shop: Provide these kinds of drinks, make your customer follows in the fashion of drinking in health way.
The shop who provides health drinks, restaurant: It's easy to use in the dishes, drinks and snacks, provide more choice for those who want to try something new in health way.

發佈時間 Nov 08, 2018 回上页